The fastest and easiest way to bring electric skateboarding Mellow-style into your local skateshop while having a good time with the core of the industry is trade shows. All the distributors and retailers get to meet up, feel the products and sign some deals! People like us who love action-sports, like snowboard and skating, know the value of getting to feel the quality of well-built equipment. Trade shows like the Surf Expo (Orlando) and ISPO (Munich) bring the whole sector under one roof so we can show them what Mellow’s about hands-on and under foot.
On 26-29 January, Mellow’s head of engineering Kilian Green took part in the SIA Snow Show, a trade fair for winter sports in Denver, Colorado. We touched bases with our future US distributor there to brief them in operations and tech so they could spread the good word. Having already tested and rejected many other electric skateboards, this team fully embraces our vision of high-end and high-speed fun.

Upwards of two hundred test rides later, Mellow fever melted the Colorado snow, creating new fans, triggering an immediate sale and giving us great expectations for the future ahead. Since visitors to such show are not just businessmen but avid sports lovers and former pro athletes, their endorsement of the Drive was an added boost.
So how would we judge future international relations between America and Nerdistan? Our finest takeaway was this: “This is the only electric skateboard that ever actually convinced me”.

Second place comment: “This is so damn legit.”